More on Academic Collaborations

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MOU Signing Ceremony between TAR UMT and MICPA on 11 December 2023 

China-Malaysia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Digital Economy "Chinese + Vocational skills" TikTok Comprehensive Marketing Advanced Training Camp with Partner Institute Guangxi Financial Vocational College on 25 April 2024

Visitation by 广西壮族自治区教育厅, 胡春柳副厅长 on 27 May 2024

Collaboration with HSE University in St. Petersburg 

China-Malaysia Institude of Modern Craftmanship of Digital Economy "Chinese + Vocational skills" E-Commerce Live Marketing, Graphics and Image Processing Training Camp from 

16 - 22 June 2024

Staff Exchange 

Staff Exchange Programme between TAR UMT and SLTC Campus (PVT) Ltd, Sri Lanka 

Staff Exchange Programme between TAR UMT and Petra Christian University, Indonesia 

Staff Exchange Programme between TAR UMT and Nguyen Tat Thanh University (NTTU), Vietnam