Centre for Digital Business (CDB)

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Digital business transformation will be the ultimate challenge in change management. It has tremendous impact on the industry structure and strategic positioning. In view of this, FAFB aims to provide insight and strategies that focus on digital transformation and innovation in the continuously changing market dynamics. The Centre will be providing market opportunity solutions to navigate the digital transformation, business model innovation, customer insights and competitive strategy; and establish collaborative partnership with industries, businesses, academics, researchers, government and non-government organisations. In addition, the Centre will also provide training, workshop and consultancy services to our staff, students, and other stakeholders in order to cultivate a strong consultancy and research culture in the Faculty.

 Location: FAFB, Block SA, TAR UMT East campus


Members of the Research Team


Assoc. Prof. Dr Phuah Kit Teng

(Agribusiness, Food Marketing, Consumer Behaviour)



Prof. Dr Yeo Chu May

(Strategic Management)


Dr Chow Poh Ling 

(Quality Education, Softskills Enhancement, Social Sustainability)


Assoc. Prof. Dr Khoong Tai Wai

(Financial Literacy, Fintech)


Dr Khor Siak Kim

(Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility)


Assoc. Prof. Dr Lim Chia Yien 

(Financial Economics, Monetary Economics)


Assoc. Prof. Dr Ow Mun Waei

(Customer Loyalty, Consumer Behavior)


Ms Kashietaa A/P Samba Sirvang

(Marketing, Digital Marketing, Higher Education Teaching)


Ms Ooi Mee Leing

(Sustainability Marketing)


Dr. Amy Yeo Chu May, Professor of our university, was one of the leading 

experts of the City Human Potential Ranking 2023