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Publication on Environmental Sustainability

Role of Sports Integrity in Achieving Sustainable Development 

SOURCE: International Researcher and Student Conference (IRSC) 2023 

AUTHOR: Vivien Wai Yan Ng* and Mary Lee 


SDG: 11

CITATION: Vivien Wai Yan Ng* and Mary Lee, " Role of Sports Integrity in achieving sustainable development",


This study argues that sports integrity is necessary for sports to play their role in sustainable development. However, several high-profile integrity-related scandals have revealed that there is currently a lack of sports integrity in the sports industry. The lack of sports integrity has had numerous consequences, including undermining public confidences, endangering the credibility of sports and the manifestation of organized crime, all of which have an impact on the effectiveness of sports’ contribution to sustainable development. This article highlights some key challenges in developing sports integrity in the sports industry. These challenges include establishing a good governance structure, pressure on athletes to perform, financial incentives and athletes’ perceptions. This article concluded that the lack of sports integrity has had a negative influence on the sports industry, and it examines the role of sports in promoting sustainable development of the sports industry. The article further provides recommendations to overcome the challenges within the sports industry. 

Impulse Purchasing Behaviour Toward Mobile Wallet in Malaysia: A stimulus-organism-response Approach

SOURCE: International Researcher and Student Conference (IRSC) 2023 

AUTHOR: Jia En Choo, Chia Yen Yang and Kok Wai Chew 


SDG: 12

CITATION: Jia En Choo, Chia Yen Yang and Kok Wai Chew, "Impulse Purchasing Behaviour Toward Mobile Wallet in Malaysia: A stimulus-organism-response Approach",


This research aims to investigate determinants of consumers' satisfaction and perceived enjoyment of using mobile wallet, subsequently affecting impulsive buying behavior. Using Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model, the determinants of this study include effort expectancy, privacy and security risk, app incentives, visual attractiveness, social influence. A total of 364 questionnaires were distributed to mobile wallet users? The results show that effort expectancy, app incentives and visual attractiveness are positively related to perceived satisfaction and perceived enjoyment with E-wallet. Furthermore, it reveals that perceived enjoyment affects impulse purchase. This research provides recommendations to service providers in improving the functions and features of E-wallet. 

Go Beyond Conventional Ecotourism: A Conceptual Paper on Tourist Eco-Responsible Behaviour

SOURCE: International Researcher and Student Conference (IRSC) 2023 

AUTHOR: Wong Shuh Fen, Phuah, Kit Teng* , Ow Mun Waei and Khoong Tai Wai  


SDG: 12

CITATION: Wong Shuh Fen, Phuah, Kit Teng* , Ow Mun Waei and Khoong Tai Wai ,"Go Beyond Conventional Ecotourism: A Conceptual Paper on Tourist Eco-Responsible Behaviour",


The tourism market in Malaysia exhibits significant diversity and heterogeneity, posing a significant challenge to the sustainable development and management of tourist destinations in the country. Sustainable development in tourism is typically assessed based on four key indicators: social, digital, economic, and environmental dimensions. However, upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that numerous other factors have an impact on the sustainable development of tourist destinations. In order to comprehend the emerging sustainable paradigm, such as digital and eco-tourism, it is crucial to consider how the market perceives and adapts to crises. Therefore, the aim of the study is to examine the antecedents of environmental responsible behaviour among tourists by proposing an extended model of environmental responsible behaviour. By comprehending tourists' preferences for ecotourism and digital experiences, businesses can identify market gaps and create new products and services that meet these interests. This boosts competitiveness, attracts diverse tourists, and expands the tourism market. The growth of ecotourism and digital tourism brings economic benefits through job creation and revenue generation for local communities. This information aids decision-making and policy formulation for sustainable economic development in tourisme news. Keywords: adaptation, collectivism, social support, social endorsement, perceived credibility, issue involvement. 

Probing Determinants of University Academicians' Knowledge Sharing Intention

SOURCE: International Journal of Application on Economics and Business (IJAEB) 

AUTHOR: Tay Lee Chin, Tan Fee Yean and Hon-Wei Leow   


SDG: 12

CITATION: Tay Lee Chin, Tan Fee Yean and Hon-Wei Leow, "Probing Determinants of University Academicians' Knowledge Sharing Intention", in IJAEB Untar, Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): May 2023, doi:


The determinants of information sharing intention are identified in this paper (i.e., managerial support, interpersonal trust, and reciprocity). Data were collected from questionnaires from academicians in the Malaysian private universities. Multiple regression analysis was performed to test the analysis. Management support, interpersonal trust and reciprocity positively influence knowledge sharing intention. The results revealed management support, interpersonal trust and reciprocity play significant roles in determining academicians’ knowledge sharing intentions. Based on the insights of social exchange theory, this study discovered that strong effects of managerial support, interpersonal trust, and reciprocity on information sharing intention. Hence, social exchange theory is extended to the knowledge sharing intention among academicians’ universities. For the university to encourage knowledge sharing intention, they may improve their current management style and maintain a work environment that encourages employees to trust each other. 

Effect of Marketing Mix Strategies on the Buying Behaviour of Organic Products: Comparison Between Consumers in Malaysia and China

SOURCE: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 

AUTHOR: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Phuah Kit Teng, Bernard Lim Jit Heng, Kumarashvari Subramaniam, Jiang Yuling and Abdelrahman Mohamed Abdelrahman Shoep 


SDG: 12

CITATION: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah  "Effect of Marketing Mix Strategies on the Buying Behaviour of Organic Products: Comparison Between Consumers in Malaysia and China", et al 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1165 012007 DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/1165/1/012007


In recent years, organic food intake has been seen as a crucial component of sustainable transformation that have large impacts on the environment as well as on people's health. Many customers' consumption habits have shifted toward organic items, owing to the belief that eating organic foods is safer and free of toxins. The goal of this study is to examine the marketing mix impact of product, price, place, and promotional strategies on customer purchase of organic products among Malaysia and China consumers. A questionnaire was designed, and data was collected using purposive sampling from a total of 484 respondents, whereby 150 were Malaysians and 334 were China consumers. The structural equation modelling (SEM) technique was employed to test the hypothesized relationships using AMOS software. The result of the present study revealed that only price, product, and promotional strategies significantly influenced the respondents' buying decisions towards organic products. Furthermore, nationalities moderated the relationship between product and promotion whereby the effect of these two marketing mix strategies were more pronounced among Malaysians compared to China consumers. The findings of this study contribute to the existing body of knowledge on consumer behaviour particularly towards organic food market and offers marketers, producers and practitioners' insights to develop more effective marketing strategies to stimulate customers' demand towards organic products. 

The Future of Social Enterprise Cafe in Malaysia: A Study on Millennials’ Perception and Intention

SOURCE: International Journal of Business and Society

AUTHOR: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Pui Khin Them, Zaiton Samdin,Bernard Jit Heng Lim, Phuah Kit Theng


SDG: 8

CITATION: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Pui Khin Them, Zaiton Samdin,Bernard Jit Heng Lim,Phuah Kit Theng, "The Future of Social Enterprise Café in Malaysia: A Study on Millennials’ Perception and Intention", in IJBS Unimas,  Vol 23 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Business and Society, DOI: 


Over the past decade, there have been a growing number of social enterprises in Malaysia, especially in the food and beverage industry. However, social enterprise cafes face various challenges in liquidity and lack of public awareness that hindered their progress. In view of this, millennials are the potential target market for social enterprises due to their rapid growth in population and increasing purchasing power. Millennials have high awareness of social issues and support for socially responsible organisations. Based on a survey collected from 424 millennials in Malaysia, data were analysed using the structural equation modelling. Results indicate that millennials are influenced by perceived price and attitude, followed by social norms, while social enterprise knowledge had a significant but weak influence on their intention. In moving forward, the findings suggest that social enterprise cafes could emphasize more on creating value through their pricing strategy and encourage knowledge sharing and attitude towards social enterprises to strengthen purchase intention towards social enterprise cafes. This study not only sheds light on millennials but also assist social enterprises to sustain their business and have a long-term impact on society and environmental causes. 

Determinants of Corporate Sustainability in the Malaysian Construction Industry

SOURCE: Journal of Management and Sustainability

AUTHOR: Kwek Choon Ling, Mary Lee Siew Cheng, Tan Xing Yi 


SDG: 9

CITATION: Kwek Choon Ling, Mary Lee Siew Cheng, Tan Xing Yi , "Determinants of Corporate Sustainability in the Malaysian Construction Industry", April 2023 Journal of Management and Sustainability 13(1):166,DOI:10.5539/jms.v13n1p166


Corporate sustainability is a key concern for corporation. This research intends to evaluate: (1) the influences of training and development and the components of human governance (i.e., transformational leadership, integrity and collectivism) on the corporate sustainability; (2) the impact of the components of human governance on training and development; and (3) the role of training and development in mediating the relationship between the components of human governance and corporate sustainability. Through an online questionnaire survey, 283 responses were collected from the Malaysia construction industry by using non-probability sampling technique. Statistical inferential analyses were carried out by utilising both SPSS Version 25.0 and SmartPLS 3.0. The results represented a significant positive relationship between the components of human governance, training and development, and corporate sustainability. This research also found that only transformational leadership and integrity (but not collectivism) have positive relationship on training and development. The research findings likewise evinced that training and development partially mediates the relationship between the components of human governance (i.e., transformational leadership and integrity but not collectivism) and corporate sustainability. This research contributes an unabridged theoretical perspective on corporate sustainability by providing a deeper understanding of how training and development and the components of human governance determine corporate sustainability as well as the relationships between transformational leadership, integrity and collectivism with corporate sustainability through the mediating role of training and development. Lastly, this research also promotes a better system and policies for organisations to achieve their goals of corporate sustainability. 

Digital Free Trade Zone in Facilitating Small Medium Enterprises for Globalisation: A Perspective from Malaysia

Small and Medium Enterprises

SOURCE: Business and Economic Research 

AUTHOR: Mui-Yin Chin, Lee-Peng Foo , Mohammad Falahatb and Hon–Choong Chin 


SDG: 7

CITATION: Mui-Yin Chin, Lee-Peng Foo , Mohammad Falahatb and Hon–Choong Chin, 2023  , "Digital Free Trade Zone in Facilitating Small Medium Enterprises for Globalisation: A Perspective from Malaysia Small and Medium Enterprisesh ", Business and Economic Research, Macrothink Institute, vol. 13(2), pages 40-52, December,DOI: 10.5296/ber.v13i2.20835 


The establishment of Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ) in Malaysia is closely related to the Chinese e-commerce giant. It was an initiative to spearhead Malaysia’s national e-Commerce strategic roadmap and empowering Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to do crossborder commerce seamlessly. As such, this study aims to understand the perception of Malaysia SMEs towards DFTZ initiative and identify the hidden trepidation of Malaysia’s SMEs towards the e-commerce platforms via focus group interview as per Grounded Theory procedures. The findings reveal that about 40% of the interviewees are pessimistic about DFTZ and did not comprehend the potential benefit beyond it. Meanwhile, apart from incompatible cost structure and digital infrastructure development, lack of knowledge of technical support and digital talent in innovative marketing strategies are among the main reasons the interviewees hesitate to move towards e-commerce platforms. Therefore, the authorities are urge to take several measures such as providing significant incentives for SMEs to upskilling their workforce, nurturing technology talent and ensuring the development of digital infrastructure to eliminate the trepidation that Malaysia SMEs currently faced. Be realistic and pragmatic when reviewing the capabilities of local SMEs against the factory of the world is utmost important in helping them to go global and remain competitive. 

Effects of Renewable Energy Consumption on Human Development: Empirical Evidence From Asian Countries


AUTHOR: Muhammad Azam,Farah Khan, IIlhan Ozturk, Sameena Noor, Lim Chia Yien, Muhammad Maladoh Bah 


SDG: 7

CITATION: Muhammad Azam,Farah Khan, IIlhan Ozturk, Sameena Noor, Lim Chia Yien, Muhammad Maladoh Bah, 2023, "Effects of Renewable Energy Consumption on Human Development: Empirical Evidence From Asian Countries",


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of renewable energy consumption along with some other regressors namely income by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, foreign remittances, inflation rate, growth in population on human development in eight Asian countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Japan) from 1995 to 2018. Based on the nature of panel balanced data, we employed the fully modified ordinary least squares and fixed-effects estimators for the empirical investigation. The empirical estimates exhibit that renewable energy usage, foreign remittances and real per capita income have substantial positive impacts on human development. In contrast, inflation rate and growth in population have negative link with human development in the sample countries. Empirical estimates reveal that renewable energy usage positively contribute enhancing human development. These findings expose that the availability and accessibility of renewable energy will not only improve human development rather will also help in accomplishing sustainable development goals. Empirical findings suggest that the management authorities need to allocate more budget in investment in renewable energy schemes and also create environment which facilitate by providing incentives to the private sector also for renewable energy production in the Asian countries. 

Love, Trust and Follow Them? The Role of Social Media Influencers on Luxury Cosmetics Brands' Purchase Intention Among Malaysian Urban Women

SOURCE: Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics 

AUTHOR: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Sharifah Faridah Syed Ali, Phuah Kit Teng  


SDG: 17

CITATION: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Sharifah Faridah Syed Ali, Phuah Kit Teng, "Love, Trust and Follow Them? The Role of Social Media Influencers on Luxury Cosmetics Brands' Purchase Intention Among Malaysian Urban Women", Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics (MAJCAFE) Vol 30 (2023) : eISSN : 2948-4189, DOI : 


Luxury cosmetics brands are growing in Malaysia, especially among urban women. In this age, influencer marketing plays a significant role as many luxury cosmetic brands are partnering with social media influencers or key opinion leaders (KOLs) to increase their brand credibility and consumers' desire. Despite this, the effectiveness of influencer marketing for luxury brands has resulted in mixed findings. As such, this study applies social influence theory to investigate the role of social media influencers (SMI), specifically on the relationships between trustworthiness and attractiveness towards the consumers’ attitude and purchase intention of luxury cosmetic brands. Using a quantitative survey of 240 Malaysian urban women collected from two major shopping malls, the data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique. Interestingly, the result of this study confirms that the attractiveness of the SMI was more critical than trustworthiness. Meanwhile, the attitude significantly mediated between attractiveness and their intention to purchase luxury cosmetic brands. This study also presents the implications and recommendations for future research. This study offers a novel perspective and gives insights to marketers of luxury cosmetic brands, especially on the suitability of selecting SMI to attract its target market. 

The Prospect of Business Undergraduates’ Intention to Engage in Digital Entrepreneurship: Do Government Initiatives Matter?

SOURCE: Public Policy Studies

AUTHOR: Amy Yeo Chu May, Eyva Lim Koon Hui 


SDG: 4

CITATION: Amy Yeo Chu May, Eyva Lim Koon Hui "The Prospect of Business Undergraduates’ Intention to Engage in Digital Entrepreneurship: Do Government Initiatives Matter?", (2023). Public Policy Studies, eISSN: 2719-7131 , DOI: 10.33119/KSzPP/2023.1.1  


The synergies between rapid information technology (IT) development and the shifting paradigms of economic transactions have led to the emergence of digital entrepreneurship. This study aims to investigate potential precursors affecting the intention of final-year business students to engage in digital entrepreneurship. This research was examining the IT acceptance among the business students by employing two tailored technology acceptance models based on the theory of planned behavior and theory of reasoned action models. A sample of 302 respondents were analyzed using SPSS and Smart-PLS. The results revealed that fresh graduates’ intentions to engage in digital entrepreneurship were significantly influenced by their own attitudes towards IT. The study also reaffirmed that the dimensions of I. Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior model, including attitude towards IT, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms except perceived risk have a “direct effect” on undergraduates’ interest in an Internet-based business model. Although the results have contributed to filling the paucity of the empirical research in digital entrepreneurship, particularly in the Asian region, the availability of information technology, government resources and support to affect digital usage and behavior are not to be underestimated. 

The effect of statutory reserve requirement on conventional banks’ dividend decision in Malaysia

SOURCE: International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies

AUTHOR: Mei Foong Wong 


SDG: 8

CITATION: Mei Foong Wong, "The effect of statutory reserve requirement on conventional banks’ dividend decision in Malaysia", International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Vol 18, No. 3-4 (2023). DOI: https://doi/10.1504/IJEPEE.2023.136307


Dividend policy persists as one of the most important unsolved issues in finance involving in the banking industry. Hence, this study investigates the effect of statutory reserve requirement and bank-specific factors on bank dividend payout decision. Based on all listed conventional banks from Malaysia for the period 2001-2018, the dividend decision model is predicted by applying the panel cointegration test, fully modified ordinary least squares, dynamic ordinary least squares and panel Granger causality test. The findings offer evidence of the positive impact of reserve funds and liquidity on conventional banks' dividend decision. The results also indicate that non-performing loan and leverage have significant and negative impact on bank dividend decision. Further analyses show that there is a long-run causality association running from reserve funds and bank-specific factors to dividend decision. Hence, policymakers should strive to formulate appropriate policies to mitigate the possibility undermining impacts on a nation's growth. 

Interweaving Students' Key Sustainability Competencies with Sustainability Development Knowledge (SDK): The Influencing Role of Learning and Teaching

SOURCE: Journal of business and finance in emerging market

AUTHOR: Chu May Yeo, Lee Chin Tay, Chia Yen Lim, Mui Yin Chin


SDG: 4

CITATION: Chu May Yeo, Lee Chin Tay, Chia Yen Lim, Mui Yin Chin, "Interweaving Studentss' Key Sustainability Competencies with Sustainability Development Knowledge (SDK): The Influencing Role of Learning and Teaching", Journal of Business and Finance in Emerging Markets 6(2):47-66 (2023). DOI:10.32770/jbfem.vol647-66 


This study aims to determine to what extent the essential sustainability competencies of students support and enable the University to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs). The students’ awareness and knowledge of SDGs are pertinent and essential to be prepared and equipped for their future working life. Design/methodology/approach - A case study using an online survey collected 320 respondents. SPSS and Smart-PLS were employed as statistical packages to analyze the collected data. Two primary competencies, specifically interpersonal and normative abilities, showed a significant direct correlation with knowledge in sustainable development. However, neither the students' academic performance appeared to act as a mediating factor, nor did educational initiatives related to learning and teaching serve as moderators influencing the connection between these key competencies and their knowledge in sustainable development. The results can be used as a guide for subject and program instructors to incorporate the necessary sustainability competencies. They may also aid policymakers in crafting policies and procedures focusing on crucial sustainable skills, considering their potential application in selecting and recruiting human resources. This study contributes to the existing literature by validating that students who possess interpersonal skills (such as collaborating sustainably with team members) and normative competencies (like introducing and implementing novel sustainability concepts and ideas) will enhance their awareness and understanding of sustainability. Therefore, it emphasizes the need for well-designed courses, programs, and curricula to prioritize these two crucial competencies.

Research on the time varying between macroeconomic variables and the stock market volatility based on TVP-VAR model 

SOURCE: Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

AUTHOR: Shuang Jin, Wei Chong Choo , Matemilola Bolaji Tunde, Yuxing Liu, Yijie Wang, and Wan Cheong Kin 


SDG: 8

CITATION: Shuang Jin, Wei Chong Choo , Matemilola Bolaji Tunde, Yuxing Liu, Yijie Wang, and Wan Cheong Kin , "Research on the time varying between macroeconomic variables and the stock market volatility based on TVP-VAR model ", Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Vol 28, Issue 2(2024). DOI:10.6180/jase.202502_28(2).0008


Chinese stock market is of great importance in promoting the healthy development of national economy and world economic integration. Effectively preventing risks and ensuring the safe and stable operation of the stock market is particularly crucial, which urgently needs to accurately depict the stock market volatility characteristics. Previous studies have overlooked the possible disturbances, which may cause the deviation of models with time-varying coefficients but constant volatility. For addressing this issue, this paper proposes to assume random volatilities via TVP-VAR (Time-Varying Parameter Vector AutoRegression) model estimated by MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) method. Benefited from accurately estimating and predicting, this paper provides a comprehensive interpretation of volatility effects of Chinese stock market. This paper has the important reference value for financial regulatory authorities and market investors. 


Authors: Kwek, Choon Ling, Mary Lee, Siew Cheng, Tan Xing Yi

Authors: Ahmad Hakimi Jajuddin, Kanesh Gopal, Rasidah Mohd-Rashid, Waqas Mehmood, Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada

Authors: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Phuah Kit Teng, Bernard Jit Heng Lim, Kumarashvari Subramaniam , Jiang Yuling, Abdelrahman Mohamed Abdelrahman Shoep 

Authors: Muhammad Azam, Farah Khan, Muhammad Maladoh Bah, IIhan Ozturk, Sameena Noor, Lim Chia Yien

Authors: Lee Peng- Foo, Mui Yin- Chin, Swee Chin- Ng, Xinjun- Lei, Xiaodi-Zhang, Jia- Wang 

Authors: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Shu Shan Teoh, Bernard Jit Heng Lim, Phuah Kit Teng

Authors: Kwek, Choon Ling, Mary Lee, Siew Cheng, Alina Yap, May Lin, Cham, Kai Sin and Zhang, Li 

Authors: Kwek, Choon Ling, Mary Lee, Siew Cheng, Alina Yap, May Lin, Cham, Kai Sin and Zhang, Li 

Authors: Bak Aun Teoh, Phern Chren Teoh, Houng Chien Tan, Amlus Ibrahim


Authors: Tan Fee Yean, Johanim Johari, Tay Lee Chin, Khulida Kirana Yahya

Authors: Phuah Kit Teng, Hon Fai Wong, Chai Gim Lai, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Bernard Jit Heng Lim  

Authors: Enk Purn Tan, Shyue Chuan Chong, Wency Kher Thinng Bui, Chia Yien Lim 

Authors: Chok Nyen Vui, Lai Mun Keong, Seena Biju, Nur Shazana Abdul Rani and Ridxuan Masri 

Authors: Muhammad Azam Khan, Naiz Ali, Lim Chia Yien , Himayatullah Khan

Authors: Choon Ling Kwek, Ke Shin Yeow, Li Zhang , Kay Hooi Keoy and Genaro Japos 

Authors: Yong Jun Yin ,Chong Shyue Chuan, Lim Chia Yien

Authors: Kit Teng Phuah, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Bernard Jit Heng Lim

Authors: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Pui Khin Them, Zaiton Samdin, Bernard Jit Heng Lim, Phuah Kit Teng

Authors: Mui-Yin Chin, Sheue- Li Ong, Daniel Boon- Yann Ooi, Chin-Hong Puah

Authors: Mui-Yin Chin, Yee-Qin Kon, Hong-Kok Wang, Chin-Hong Puah

Authors: Amy Yeo Chu May,  Cheang Esther,  Felizia Arni Rudiawarni 

Authors: k. Krishnammorthy, Hon-Wei Leow, Mui-Yee Cheok, Lee-Chin Tay


Authors: Kelly Wong Kai Seng, Nik Rozana Nik Masdek, Juwaidah Sharifuddin, Phuah Kit Teng, Wong Wang Li, Lai Kok Song 

Authors:  Houng Chien Tan, Jo Ann Ho, Risidaxshinni Kumarusamy, Murali Sambasivan

Author: Tay Lee Chin, Leow Hon-Wei

Authors: Kit Teng Phuah, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Bernard Jit Heng Lim 


Authors: Xie Jing Yao, Wong Tsu Ping, Phuah Kit Teng, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah

Authors: Bernard Lim, Phuah Kit Teng, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah

Authors: Tay Lee Chin, Tan Fee Yean, Vimala Sanjeevkumar 

Authors: Phuah Kit Teng, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Bernard Jit Heng Lim 

Authors: Phuah Kit Teng, Khoong Tai Wai, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Ow Mun Waei, Kelly Wong Kai Sheng 

Authors: Phuah Kit Teng, Khoong Tai Wai, Ow Mun Waei, Tey Sheik Kyin 

Authors: Lee-Peng Foo, Mui-Yin Chin, Kim-Leng Tan, Kit-Teng Phuah


Authors: Raj Kumar, Lee Y Chaw and Choon Ling Kwek

Authors: Phuah Kit Teng, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Bernard Lim Jit Heng

Authors: Phuah Kit Teng, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Bernard Lim

Authors: Mei Foong Wong; Chang Kah Fai; Yong Chen Yee; Lum Sook Cheng 

Authors: Kit Teng Phuah, Kelly Kai Seng Wong, Jenn Ling TingJL 

Authors: Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Zaiton Samdin, Kit Teng Phuah, Bernard Lim Jit Heng 


Authors: Mui-Yin Chin, Chin -Hong Puah, Cia-Ling Teo and Justina Joseph

Authors: Phuah Kit Teng, Ow Mun Waei, Sukjeet Kaur, Umi Kalsom Kassim 

Authors: Kit Teng Phuah, Jenn Ling TingJL, Kelly Kai Seng Wong 


Authors: Golnaz Rezai, Phuah Kit Teng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin,Zainalabidin Mohamed, John L.Stanton 

Authors: Choon Ling Kwek, Poh Ling Chow, Zhimin Wang, Kok Hung Kho and Law Hong Leong